Thursday, November 15, 2007

End of Semester Survival Guide

Here's a list of the assignments and things to do to wrap up our course:

1. Essay #3: Analysis of poem(s) in the context of their medium. Final printed draft due the last day of class: November 28.
  • As promised, here is a description of a creative option: You may produce a poetic performance, audio recording, or electronic version of a poem you have written. This must be accompanied by a short essay (4-6) pages in which you discuss how the medium shapes the work in meaningful ways, touching on elements of textual and new media writing theories that support your discussion.
  • Suggestions for works to analyze:
  • E-mail me a proposal by November 21.

2. Self Evaluation of Assignments and Presentations. Due on Friday, November 30 by 4:15 pm at the English Department.
  • Write a 1-page evaluation of your work this semester on assignments and presentations.
  • Use the blog archives as a reference for what was required on each class.
  • Provide whatever evidence you have and describe the work you don't have evidence for.

3. Final presentations on one of the essays you wrote for this class (you choose):
  • Presentations should last no longer than 10 minutes.
  • Your presentation will be evaluated according to the following criteria: conciseness, clarity, and time-management.
  • The dates for sign up are the following:
    • Wednesday, November 18 (aka "last day of class") - 10 presentations: Ahiesha, Lidsay, and Maria will present on this date, leaving 7 spots available.
    • Tuesday, December 11 (aka "day of the final") - 9 presentations = 9 spots available.
  • Sign up for the presentations by replying to this posting with the date of your presentation.
  • The spots will be filled on a first-come first serve basis. When one of the two dates is filled, the rest of the people will go on the other date.

4. Bring me your graded copy of Essay #1 on the last day of class. I need to check grades in my roster.

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Castelar Garcia Rivera said...

I would like to present on December 11 which is the day of the final

B. Doreste said...

I would like to present on the last day of class and get it over with. I will most likely discuss the first essay I wrote on Pedro Pietri.

Viviana Reyes said...

I would like to present on December 11 since I will not be here the las day of class (I talked to you about my situation)

Wilmarie said...

I would like to present on December 11 ^_^

Stella said...

December 11 please! :)

Castelar Garcia Rivera said...

For Essay # 3 I would like to cover Robert Kendall's soft poem Clues(11 clues) which is an e-poem with text,graphics and music. Could you indicate to me which books that you have I can use for my Third essay

Unknown said...

November 28 and good luck to me

Jennifer Matos Ayala said...

I would like to present on November 28, the last day of class.

Anonymous said...

I would prefer to present on December 11.

Wi Hong Ng said...

I would like to present on Dec. 11.

Cristina Rodriguez said...

I think I will present Dec 11

Prof. Sharon Diaz said...

I would like to present on December 11.

Prof. Sharon Diaz said...

I would like to present on December 11.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Natalie and Janice on Wednesday nov 28,

Unknown said...

Already 9 for the 11th, so i guess that means i go on the 28th :(

Leonardo Flores said...

Antonio, I did the numbers and you can go on the 11th.