Friday, August 10, 2007

Critical Theory Presentations (5-10 minutes):
  1. Brief explanation of the theory, including key theorists.
  2. How does the theory serve to analyze, interpret and teach poetry?
  3. How would they approach the question of canon?
  4. What kinds of anthologies do they create (if at all)?

Literary Theories:
  1. Historical - Natalie
  2. Biographical - Ahiesha
  3. New Criticism - Maria
  4. Russian Formalism - Karen
  5. Reader's Response - Janice
  6. Psychoanalytical Theory: Freud - Jennifer
  7. Psychoanalytical Theory: Lacan -Viviana
  8. Archetypal Criticism - Cristina
  9. Structuralism - Wilmarie
  10. Post-Structuralism - Castelar
  11. Deconstruction - Gerardo
  12. New Historicism - Sandra
  13. Feminism - Blanca
  14. Cultural Studies: Race & Ethnicity - Lidsay
  15. Cultural Studies: Queer Theory - Antonio
  16. Postcolonialism - Sharon, Stella
  17. Editorial & Textual Theories - Zaira
  18. New Media Writing Theories - Wi Hong

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