Thursday, October 18, 2007

Readings & Listenings for October 24

Assigned Materials:
  • Listen to Paul de Vree's concrete sound poems, read his visual poems, and manifesto by following the links in the following page:
  • Explore UBUWEB::SOUND and see what you discover.
  • Read about Dylan Thomas in the following Web site:
  • Read the following entries in the New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics: "Sound," "Rhythm," "Rhyme," and "Meter."
  • Listen to Dylan Thomas' Caedmon Recordings, available at:
1. The Widescreen Macintosh Computer in the ETC. Use iTunes to burn a copy of the playlist titled "Dylan Thomas - October 24 Class." Be sure the computer is logged in as ETC Printing (top right corner of screen). You can save the whole thing in MP3 format or fit about 18 tracks in an audio CD-- you'd have to use the "preferences" in iTunes to change the type of CD you burn.
2. You can also click on each link and either listen to the tracks on your computer or download the files and listen to them wherever you like.

Disk 1:
Billy Collins Introduction
Fern Hill
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
In The White Giant's Thigh
Ballad Of The Long-Legged Bait
Ceremony After A Fire Raid
A Few Words Of A Kind
On The Marriage Of A Virgin
The Hunchback In The Park
Over Sir John's Hill
Especially When The October Wind
Disc 2:
Billy Collins Introduction
Poem On His Birthday
Should Lanterns Shine
There Was A Saviour
A Refusal To Mourn The Death, By Fire, Of A Child In London
If I Were Tickled By The Rub Of Love
And Death Shall Have No Dominion
A Winter's Tale
Author's Prologue
The Hand That Signed The Paper
Altarwise By Owl Light (1st Verse)
The Tombstone Told When She Died
If My Head Hurt A Hair's Foot
Poem In October (It Was My Thirtieth Year)
Love In The Asylum
In My Craft And Sullen Art
Dawn Raid
Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines
After The Funeral
In Country Sleep


1 comment:

Leonardo Flores said...

By the way, these files will only be available online for about a week and will be removed for reasons that should be obvious.